Sunday services are held in person and via live-streaming to Facebook.
Video of the service is posted on this site as well as our Facebook page.
Our Sunday Service starts at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard (or Daylight Savings) Time.
The service lasts about an hour, followed by fellowship. Dress is casual and comfortable. We invite families to attend the service with their children in the sanctuary as we do not yet have a separate youth education program. We do have an activities table for young children, supplied with books, toys, crayons etc to keep them entertained.
The Wednesday email is a supplement to this website. The email contains current information on Sunday Service topics, ongoing activities and a peak into the future. If you would like to be on our Wednesday email, please use the Message Us Page, and let us know.
Our location is 98 Rudder Rd, next to the Sea Esta Motel, on Long Neck Road (1 block past Grotto's Pizza). Unity Spiritual Center is one of four business units at the intersection of Long Neck Road and Rudder Road, Long Neck, Delaware.
Use the dropdown menu and click on "What to Expect" for additional information.