Prayer Chaplain Ministry

Three prayer chaplains.

What is a Prayer Chaplain?


  • A Prayer Chaplain acknowledges and calls upon the presence of God.

  • A Prayer Chaplain lovingly listens.

  • A Prayer Chaplain prays from the heart.

  • A Prayer Chaplain holds in confidence what is shared.

Prayer, our own and with others, deepens our trust in God and facilitates our ability to let go and let God be active in all lives. Everyone can learn to listen with their hearts instead of their heads.

Our Prayer Chaplains, shown in the photograph above, are

Jeanne Blake, Lead Chaplain Michael Nostrand and LaLa Fisher.

Unity was founded on the idea that prayer works! Prayer is an effective tool for communicating with Divine Source based on a harmonious relationship between God and Humanity.  Unity Prayer Ministry is available to pray with you 7/24.  

Unity Spiritual Center's Prayer Chaplain Team is available to support you with confidential prayer sessions.   Submit your prayer request here.  

Myrtle Fillmore Prayer