We encourage you to communicate us in whatever manner is comfortable and convenient to you. Visit us, call us or use the "Message Us" form below to send a message.
We send out an email every Wednesday with the latest information on our activities, the Sunday Services schedule, inspirational messages and connections to helpful websites. If you would like to be on that mailing list use the "Message Us" form below.
If you would like to have some personal time to discuss your joys or concerns, we are here for you. In the form below, select "Minister" to get in touch with Reverend Karen. Select "Transition Minister" to get in touch with Reverend Sandra Butler. There is also the separate "Prayer Request" Page for connecting with our Prayer Chaplains. You may also call the USCCD office at 302-945-5253.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Our Spiritual Leaders:
USCCD has several ministers (ordained Unity and Interfaith) who provide services and spiritual support.
Unity Spiritual Center of Coastal DE: (302) 945-5253
Our Physical Location:
Unity Spiritual Center of Coastal DE
98 Rudder Rd, Suite A-1
Long Neck, DE 19966
(Maps will show: Seafarer’s Village)
Our Mailing Address:
Unity Spiritual Center of Coastal DE
98 Rudder Rd, Suite A-1
Millsboro, DE 19966