What exactly is a “love offering?”
Time – Talent – Treasure
For some, it’s the cash or check we place in the offertory basket each Sunday. For others, it’s a donation of time or talent to the ministry. While monetary donations are always appreciated, we hold dear all who wish to donate their time and talent as well.
When you share your talent, your talent will grow. When you share your treasure, your treasure will grow.
Do you have a particular skill you can share with us? Volunteers Are Awesome Indeed and In Deed!
If you enjoy baking, you might bring something for the hospitality table when we resume that part of our social gathering after service; if you can come early to the service, you could help set up the sanctuary, or volunteer as an Greeter to welcome each person who attends. Bring flowers! You can see there are so many small and large ways to participate and contribute - greeting, coffee setup, refreshments for our social time after service, platform assistant, flowers, music (equipment setup and singing/playing an instrument), helping with the audio/visual production. We even have a "Wish List" posted on the bulletin board that lists little things that you can bring for use at the Unity Spiritual Center.
We have many little and big ways to help at Unity Spiritual Center and appreciate every offering! They can be one time or ongoing.
While some of the social aspects are limited due to Covid-19, we still have many social and group/committee activities so please, just ask us.
Board Member Opportunities:
In the Fall we elected some new Board Members to replace those who had completed their three-year terms and/or took on new activities. At this time we continue to welcome anyone who would like to just attend a Board Meeting (see our Calendar, typically the 3rd Sunday of the month) or become a Member-at-Large.
Here are the position descriptions....
President. The president shall preside at all Board of Directors meetings, preside at all membership meetings, appoint members of ministry teams related to Board functions (except the Nominating Committee) with the advice of the Board, serve as an ex officio member of all ministry teams except the Nominating Committee, sign such papers and documents upon proper authorization as may be necessary, and be responsible for collaborating with the Spiritual Leader in the planning of Board orientations, retreats, and workshops.
Vice President. The vice president shall assist the president in the performance of that officer’s duties, perform all the duties of the president of the Board in the absence of the president, and succeed to the office of president. In the case the president vacates the position prior to end of term, a new vice president shall be elected from among the remaining trustees to fill the remainder of the unexpired term. The vice president shall coordinate the annual USC anniversary celebration.
Treasurer. The treasurer shall be custodian of all funds belonging to this ministry, pay out or cause to be paid out funds authorized by the Board, see that all expenditures are evidenced by proper receipts and vouchers, keep or cause to be kept a record of all financial transactions, submit monthly financial reports at each regular Board meeting, and submit a financial report covering the last complete fiscal year. The treasurer shall establish the budget in late summer for approval by the Board of Directors. The budget for the upcoming year is then presented by the treasurer to the membership at the annual membership meeting. Additionally, the treasurer will prepare quarterly and annual reports for UWM, and account for, or cause to be accounted for by the appointment of qualified persons, all funds received being responsible to assure that all such funds are deposited in accounts authorized by the Board. When counting ministry funds, there should be at least two (2) persons present, one(1) being a Board of Directors member.
Recording Secretary. The secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, an accurate record of the minutes of all Board and membership meetings, hold in custody and be responsible for all reports, contracts, other legal papers, keep the meeting minute books at the principal executive office of the ministry at all times or in such other depository as prescribed by the Board, be a signatory to any legally required documents which the state or local government determine necessary, attend to all official business as directed by the Board, keep or cause to be kept up-to-date membership lists, and send or cause to be distributed yearly membership renewal cards (if applicable) to all members.
Member-at-Large. The member-at-large attends meetings and acts as the "eyes and ears" of the membership. The member-at-large may initiate and/or participate in supporting activities.
So please contact any current Board Member or Sandy to find out more. Contact them directly or use our "Message Us" Page.
Sunday Service recordings:
We have developed the routine for recording and posting the Sunday Service recording. And we now have two new people to alternate, but there's room for more. Presently we are live-streaming our Sunday Service directly to Facebook. Volunteers are trained in using the camera, soundboard and the laptop/iPad software. The video link to the service is also posted on this website.
So please use the "Message Us" Page to find out more. Or inquire while you are at the Sunday Service - you'll see how cool it is.
We Love you all.