Unity Classes and Workshops...
There are all types of classes and workshops available to the commUnity. You can find them on the Calendar Page.
Of special interest are the classes that everyone needs in order to become a member or to become more knowedgeable about Spirit and our inner light.
How best to fully join the Unity community than by becoming a member? The Unity Basics class is a prerequisite to becoming a member. Watch the Calendar or inquire about future classes by using the Message Us page.
If you've taken our classes before and want a refresher, here's your opportunity. Your life experiences since you first took these courses will contribute so much to your increased understanding when you take these classes again.
Watch this page and our Calendar for our continuing offerings.
Future Events on Zoom...
Please note that we will continue to provide some of our classes/events on Zoom. The Unity Spiritual Center is fully open, and will always operate in accordance with State guidelines while listening to your concerns about health and safety.
So for those who haven't tried out Zoom yet, try the links below and be comfortable using Zoom. Use the LINKS below for instructions on using ZOOM.
How to Join A Zoom Meeting
How To Access Zoom
Anyone wanting HELP with Zoom can call the office number (302-934-5253) or use the Message Us feature.
We will reply and schedule a time for a Zoom basic lesson. We want you to feel comfortable with the technology and most importantly, stay connected with your Unity Spiritual Center family.